Buy-Sell Agreements

Buy-Sell Agreements hand-shaking

Buy-sell agreements serve as vital safety plans for businesses, offering clear and concise rules for owner transitions, whether due to a desire to sell, retirement, or unforeseen events like passing away. These agreements act as guiding frameworks, preventing confusion, fostering fairness, and ensuring the smooth continuation of business operations.

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What are Buy-Sell Agreements?

Think of a buy-sell agreement as a business insurance policy. It's a legal agreement that ensures if something unexpected happens—like a partner wanting to leave, facing health issues, or even more challenging situations such as divorce or financial troubles—there's a clear plan in place. This plan involves one party selling their share while another buys it, preventing chaos and safeguarding the business's stability. Without this written agreement, it's like navigating through potential storms without a compass, risking disruptions that could impact the business's journey. It's essentially a tool for business owners to secure a smoother and more predictable course for their venture.

A buy-sell agreement can help avoid:

Remaining partners or stockholders being forced to sell or dissolve the business.

The business having to decide how it will compensate the departing owner’s family for their ownership interest.

The uncertainty that comes with losing the services of a significant member of the business.

The departing owner or his/her estate not receiving a fair price for the business interest.

Different Types of Buy-Sell Agreement

Setting up a buy-sell agreement is important for business owners, and it's smart to work with a lawyer for this. There are three main types of these agreements to consider, like different tools to safeguard your business. Let's explore them together!

Entity (Stock Redemption) Plan

In this plan, if something unexpected happens to an owner, the business buys their entire share at a set price. In a corporation, it's called a stock redemption agreement, and in a partnership, it's a liquidation of interest. Life insurance is often used to fund this, where the business owns the policies and uses the proceeds to buy back the shares if an owner passes away. It's a straightforward method, making it easy for the business since it owns, pays for, and benefits from the insurance, which becomes an asset on the balance sheet. Ever wondered how this could work for your business? Schedule a call with us and find out if this is right for your business.

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A man holding hands in front of a laptop - Buy-Sell Agreements

Cross Purchase Plan

In this plan, when an owner decides to leave, the remaining owners buy their entire share at a pre-agreed price. It can involve not just current owners but also potential ones like employees, outsiders, or family members. To make this work, each owner needs to have insurance on the others. However, it might get complicated with more than two owners. To simplify, owners can use a "trusteed" cross-purchase arrangement. Here, a trust owns a policy on each owner, handling the transaction and later distributing the departed owner's share to the surviving ones. It's a strategic move to ensure a smooth transition. Interested in exploring this for your business? Let's discuss! Schedule a call now.

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One-Way Buy-Sell

For a sole business owner, there's a unique challenge – there are no co-owners to buy out their share in case of unexpected events. However, a solution exists. If a potential buyer, like a family member or a key employee, can be identified, a tailored version of the buy-sell agreement comes into play. It's called the "one-way" buy-sell because only one party (a non-owner) is committed to purchasing the business if a triggering event occurs. The advantage of this approach is that it allows the sole owner to exit the business, perhaps for retirement, and still receive fair market value from someone ready to take over ownership in the future. It's a smart strategy for solo entrepreneurs looking to plan a smooth exit. Curious about securing your business's future? Book a call with us now.

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How do you fund Buy-Sell Agreements?

Setting up a buy-sell agreement is important for business owners, and it's smart to work with a lawyer for this. There are three main types of these agreements to consider, like different tools to safeguard your business. Let's explore them together!


One way to fund a buy-sell agreement is by using cash. It's a straightforward option that doesn't require an immediate expense. However, the challenge is that owners may not know when they'll need the cash. To address this, some choose to create a "sinking fund" by regularly depositing a set amount of cash into an account. Yet, sinking funds can be insufficient because events like death or disability are unpredictable, leaving little time to build up a significant balance. Moreover, putting cash into the sinking fund might strain the business's working capital and even lead to tax issues.


Consider borrowing as another method to fund a buy-sell agreement. Similar to the cash approach, it offers simplicity and doesn't require an upfront payment until a triggering event occurs. However, securing a loan may pose challenges, as banks may be reluctant to lend to a business that has recently lost a crucial asset – one of its owners. If a loan is granted, the remaining owners must carefully assess how repaying the loan will impact the business's cash flow and overall creditworthiness. Schedule a Call with us now to discuss whether this is a viable option for your business.

Installment Sale

Consider an installment sale as another method, but it carries significant risks for all parties involved. This approach extends the financial commitment over time but lacks the immediate cash needed for a prompt buy-out when the triggering event occurs. The installment payout falls short in providing substantial sums required for settling estate costs and debts, potentially leaving the shareholder's family without the desired financial security. Moreover, it doesn't effectively sever the ties between the business and the departed shareholder's family. Instead, it keeps them connected as long as the installment payout is outstanding, which contradicts the purpose of implementing a buy-sell agreement to ensure a clean break. Schedule a Call with us now to discuss whether this is a viable option for your business.


Funding buy-sell agreements with insurance, like life insurance and disability buy-out insurance, is highly effective. Life insurance's tax-free benefit lets the remaining owner buy the business interests from the departed owner’s family without using business assets or cash. This ensures the family gets the fair market value immediately, and the business can continue smoothly. Disability buy-out insurance helps with funds for a partner buy-out and defines total disability objectively, especially when related to a partner's active role in the business. This allows the insurance carrier to determine if a disability has occurred.In essence, insurance-based funding not only safeguards the financial interests of all parties involved in a buy-sell agreement but also ensures a streamlined transition, offering peace of mind for business owners.

Find Out If Buy-Sell Agreements Are Right For Your Business!

Take the next step in securing your business's future. Schedule a personalized consultation with us to delve into the details and discover whether buy-sell agreements align with the needs and goals of your business. Let's navigate this together and ensure the right strategy for your peace of mind and continued success.
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